Membership Agreement




address : ORHANBEY MAH. ATATÜRK CAD. No:57 A Osmangazi / BURSA

Phone. No. : 0224 221 76 00

Fax No. :  

Mercy Number : 0887 -0007-2840-0015

Cap No. :

 Phone. No. :  

Fax No. :  

E-mail :

Web address : 

 This Preliminary Information is available to the BUYER at www. In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Article 5 of the Distance Contracts Regulation, the BUYER is responsible for the sale and delivery of the product/service ordered electronically on the monalure .com ("Website") website, the qualities and sales price of which are stated below. It is carried out for the purpose of informing. In this section, the basic features, quantity/number, sales price and delivery information of the product or products subject to the contract are explained. This information; product, quantity, subtotal + VAT, payment method, delivery address, delivery person, billing address and total. Your order will be delivered to the BUYER within 30 (thirty) days at the latest from the order date, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Article 16 of the Distance Contracts Regulation. After your cargo shipment code is reflected in the system, your order will be delivered by the cargo company within 3 days at the latest. SELLER, as stated in the 4th paragraph of Article 16 of the Distance Contracts Regulation No. 29188, which came into force on 27.02.2015; “In cases where it becomes impossible to fulfill the goods or services subject to the order, the seller or provider must notify the consumer in writing or via a permanent data recorder within three days from the date of learning of this situation and make all payments collected, including delivery costs, if any, no later than ten days after the date of notification. In accordance with the provision "It is mandatory to return it within four days", due to technical errors during the sale phase on the website, product price, product description, product quality, etc. In case of an error in the specifications, it has the right to cancel the order and refund the collected amounts to the BUYER in accordance with the relevant legislation.


2.1.The natural or legal person who signs this contract ("Buyer") accepts and declares that he/she has been informed about the product code, quantity, tax-included price of the product, shipping fee and payment method before making the payment and that he/she approves this information. Products selected by the Buyer will be sent to the delivery address declared by the Buyer. The person to be invoiced and the person making the contract must be the same.

2.2 The Seller will send the Products within a maximum of 30 days via the contracted cargo company. The contracted cargo company is regularly announced on its website . If this cargo company does not have a branch in the Buyer's location, the Buyer must receive the Product from the cargo company's nearest branch within 7 days at the latest; Otherwise, the Buyer is responsible for all damages and expenses that may arise.

2.3 When the Buyer approves this Preliminary Information and Distance Selling Agreement, the above-mentioned price and expenses of the Product(s) ordered will be collected according to the payment method chosen by the Buyer above.

2.4 Validity Period of Commitments All information and promises presented to the BUYER regarding the product or service in this form are valid until the campaign publication period/announcement period. Declared prices are sales prices including all taxes. Declared commitments are valid until updated and changed. The SELLER sells goods to consumers at advantageous prices on the website. SALES PERSON; reserves the right to cancel wholesale transactions made for commercial and professional purposes that exceed consumer needs. Since purchases exceeding 3 (three) of the same product are considered commercial and professional purchases by the SELLER, the SELLER reserves the right to cancel the order completely in such purchases or to deliver only 3 (three) products that are within the retail purchase limit.


3.1 The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the order/Agreement within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the Product, without giving any reason and without paying any penalty. However, the Buyer may exercise his right of withdrawal within the period from the establishment of the Contract until the delivery of the Product.

3.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, the Buyer cannot legally exercise the right of withdrawal regarding the following Product/service(s), even if they have not been used:

a) Products or services whose prices change depending on fluctuations in financial markets and are not under the control of the Seller,

b) Products prepared in line with the Buyer's wishes or personal needs (those made specific to the person/personal needs by making changes/additions),

c) Products that can quickly deteriorate or expire,

d) Products whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package etc. have been opened after delivery and whose return is not suitable for health and hygiene reasons,

e) Products that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature,

f) Services started to be performed with the approval of the Buyer before the right of withdrawal expires.

3.3 The Buyer must notify the Seller that he has exercised his right of withdrawal, in writing or via a permanent data storage device, within the period specified above, as follows.

3.3.1. If the right of withdrawal is exercised before the products are delivered to the cargo company to be delivered to the Buyer, the Buyer can make the necessary notification through the Seller's number 0224 2217600.

3.3.2. If the right of withdrawal is exercised following the delivery of the products to the cargo company to be delivered to the Buyer, the Buyer may return the Products to the Seller, complete and undamaged, with their box, packaging and standard accessories, if any, together with the permanent data storage and return invoice. will forward it to the cargo company notified by . For product returns whose invoice is issued in the name of institutions, a return invoice must be issued.

3.4. If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the Buyer is obliged to return the Product(s) to the Seller within ten (10) days at the latest from the date on which the notice of withdrawal is directed to the Seller. The shipping cost of the returned Product will be covered by the Seller, provided that the Seller's contracted cargo company is used.

3.5 Provided that the right of withdrawal is fulfilled by the Buyer in a timely and proper manner, the Seller shall pay all collected payments, including the price of the Product and, if any, the costs of delivery of the goods to the consumer, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal and the return of the goods. It will be returned to the Buyer in accordance with the payment instrument used when purchasing the product. Delivery costs collected from the Customer will be covered by the Seller only if all products subject to the same order are returned. The reflection of this amount on the BUYER's accounts after it is returned to the bank is entirely related to the banks' process, and it is not possible for the SELLER to intervene in this regard in any way.

3.6 In determining the period of right of withdrawal; For goods subject to a single order and delivered separately, the day on which the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the last good. For goods consisting of more than one piece, the day on which the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER receives the last piece. On the day when the goods are delivered regularly for a certain period of time. In contracts, the date on which the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the first goods is taken as basis.

3.7 In cases of legal withdrawal and other order-contract cancellations, the Seller shall be entitled to a discount on the Product price and/or any reward points, etc., from the Buyer, if any. The rights to collect and offset monetary values ​​are reserved. 

3.8 Discounts/advantages provided and used by the SELLER to the BUYER in the purchase canceled by the BUYER (all kinds of benefits including gift products, free shipping, discount campaigns, shopping vouchers, etc.) will be automatically canceled as a result of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The website sales price of each product will be collected from the BUYER and the method of collection will be deducted from the amount to be refunded to the BUYER as a result of withdrawal.

3.9 Between an organization that provides reward points, etc., and the BUYER and the SELLER, the reward points can be used as discounts on purchases, etc. with the SELLER. In the presence of a current agreement-contract that allows the BUYER to withdraw from this contract and otherwise terminate it, if he/she has earned such a reward point due to this order-Contract transaction as required by the SELLER's said agreement and also his contract with the said organization. In cases where a refund is required to be made to the BUYER upon order cancellation, the amount (monetary value) of the reward points, gifts and similar earned by the BUYER with the purchase subject to this contract will be refunded from the BUYER. Namely; Unless a different method is stipulated in the SELLER's agreement with the relevant organization, if the BUYER has sufficient other reward points (except the reward points earned with this purchase) in the said organization-system, firstly, the SELLER will receive those reward points, if not, the SELLER It is done by deducting (offsetting) the amount in cash from the amount to be refunded to the BUYER.

3.10 The BUYER's payment to the SELLER for the purchase of the Product subject to this Agreement will be partially/fully made by reward points, etc. If made by SELLER, in cases where the price of the Product purchased in this way is refunded to the BUYER, the reward points and similar used by the BUYER while purchasing the product from the SELLER will be transferred to the BUYER, unless the SELLER has a different agreement with the relevant organization. or it can be refunded (again as points).

3.11 As a general rule, in cases where unfair reward point acquisition or use is detected by the BUYER in any way, the monetary value-amount of the reward points in question may be collected by the SELLER from the BUYER (by credit card, cash and other legal methods). This provision is valid for the price of the goods given as a gift to the BUYER by the SELLER.

3.12 In cases where the right of withdrawal is not provided for by law, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised, and in cases where this right is not exercised duly or on time, the Buyer loses its right of withdrawal.

3.13 If there is more than one product in the order placed by the Buyer and the Buyer wants to return some of these products, the Buyer may exercise his right of withdrawal regarding these products only after the product is delivered to him.

3.14 Products sold in the Seller's retail stores or online are not refundable.


4.1 In case the BUYER defaults on the transactions made with the credit card, the card holder will pay interest within the framework of the credit card agreement made with the bank and will be liable to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may take legal action, request the expenses and attorney fees incurred from the BUYER, and in any case, in case of default due to the BUYER's debt, the BUYER will be responsible for the damage and loss suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the BUYER's debt.


4.1 The Consumer can reach the Seller through the following communication channel regarding the problems he/she experiences during or after shopping on the Seller's website.

Phone: 0224 2217600


4.2 In disputes that may arise from this Agreement, Provincial and District Consumer Arbitration Committees are authorized within the monetary limits determined and announced annually by the Ministry of Customs and Trade in accordance with the law, and Consumer Courts are authorized in cases exceeding these limits. In this context, the BUYER may apply to the Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts in his or, if he wishes, the Seller's place of residence.


By approving this Preliminary Information, which will form an integral part of the Distance Selling Agreement, the Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has been informed about all matters including the basic features of the Product(s) subject to sale, sales price, delivery procedures, right of withdrawal and right of complaint. It does.